

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, you of little faith! -- Luke 12:27-28

We Cultivate Not Just a Garden, but a Community of Faith.

At St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church, our Gardening Ministry is dedicated to bringing parishioners together to enhance the natural beauty of our sacred grounds. Located in the heart of the University Park Area, our church boasts one of the only open green spaces, providing a serene and welcoming environment for guests and parishioners alike. By participating in this ministry, parish stewards can immerse themselves in nature’s glory and contribute to the upkeep and enhancement of our historic grounds situated along the Figueroa Corridor in downtown Los Angeles.

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact Nancy Calderon through the parish office at (213) 749-8950.

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