

Blessings on the birth or anticipated birth of your child or godchild.
A precious gift from God!

Sacramental Preparation for Parents and godparents of infants and children under 7 years of age.

From birth, children inherit the burden of original sin and baptism frees them from this darkness and welcomes them into the light of God's freedom—a gift meant for everyone. The unearned gift of salvation is especially visible in the baptism of infants. If parents delay baptism, they withhold an invaluable gift of becoming a child of God. Thus, it is customary in the Catholic Church perform this sacrament soon after a child is born. Group baptisms in English and Spanish are performed on Saturday mornings monthly. The fee is $60.00. See below for guidelines for parents and godparents.

Sacramental Preparation for

Children ages 7 to 17

Do you have a child over the age of 6 who has not yet been baptized? Initiation into the faith for children beyond infancy involves a more thorough two-year process, encompassing First Holy Communion and Confirmation. For more information about your child's sacramental journey, visit our Faith Formation webpage or call Sr. Alicia Lopez at the parish office at (213) 749-8950.

Sacramental Preparation for Unbaptized Adults

Entering into the Catholic Church is an experience laden with profound joy.  For those seeking fuller knowledge of the Catholic faith, whether you are unbaptized individual, curious about Catholicism, a baptized Christian, or a baptized Catholic who still needs First Communion or Confirmation, kindly refer to our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) webpage. Feel free to reach out to Sr. Alicia Lopez at our parish office for more information at (213) 740-8950.

Baptism FAQ's

  • When Do Infant Baptisms Take Place at St. Vincent's?

    The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English at 10:00 am on the last Saturday of the month. We celebrate Baptisms in Spanish on the third Saturday of every month.

  • Can a Family Schedule an Individual Baptism?

    Given the number of requests that we receive for infant baptisms, we generally perform baptisms in groups.  However, there are exceptions made for active military service members and police officers.  We perform individual baptisms for their families. 

  • What are the Guidelines for Parents?

    1. To register for Baptism, we require at least one parent to come to the office in person between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm Monday to Friday, or 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Parents are required to provide the following: Birth Certificate of Child (Hospital records and copies of the birth certificate are not accepted), Parent ID’s, Phone Numbers and Email.
    2. During your in-person appointment, we will set up a family appointment so that you can peronally meet with one of the staff via Zoom.
    3. We will ask that you register as parishioners of St. Vincent's (or register at another parish).
    4. Parents and godparents are required to attend a one-hour Baptismal class prior to the actual baptism ceremony via Zoom and take the brief online course provided by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at the following link:
    5. Please register by calling the parish office at (213) 749-8950 and the secretary will send the Zoom meeting link.
    6. If you plan to attend baptism preparation at another parish, please provide a certificate of completion or a letter from the parish in person or via email.

  • Who can be a Godparent?

    Godparents are required to be:

    1. A man paired with a woman.
    2. At least 16 years of age.
    3. Fully initiated Catholic Christians (that is, they have celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church – Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist – sacramental certificates required). 
    4. Married in the Catholic Church (a sacramental marriage certificate may substitute for the sacramental certificates)
    5. Attend a one-hour Baptismal class prior to the actual baptism ceremony via Zoom and take the brief online course provided by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at the following link:
    6. Able and willing to enthusiastically profess his or her faith during the Rite of Baptism and ready to model a Catholic Christian lifestyle. 
    7. Attending Mass weekly, a hallmark of the Catholic Christian life.

    Godparents who do not belong to St. Vincent's must supply a letter from their parish priest confirming their suitability to be a godparent.

    A faithful, non-Catholic Christian may act as a Christian witness in the place of one of the godparents alongside another Catholic godparent.

  • Is there a Fee for the Baptism?

    A donation of $60 (cash or credit) is required which includes staffing hours, the mandatory Zoom pre-Baptismal class, and the ceremony. You may give a gift to the priest or deacon, but this is not required. 

  • How Can I Get a Copy of My Baptismal Certificate?

    If you know the name of the parish where you were baptized, please contact that parish directly. When you contact a parish to request a baptismal certificate, please be prepared to provide the following information:

    • Your name at birth
    • Date of birth
    • Date of baptism (if known)
    • Mother’s name (including maiden name)
    • Father’s name

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