Our volunteers for the Food Pantry at St. Vincent DePaul Church serve God, the community, and our Parish by collecting and providing food to those who are in need. Our donations come from individual donors and the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. We also accept cash and online donations for this work.
For more information, contact the parish office at (213) 749-8950 or stvincentla@gmail.com.
Every Friday morning from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, food packages are available at St. Vincent's for distribution to qualifying households. The Pantry is located at the rear of St. Vincent’s Church. Please park in the lot at 2455 South Figueroa. Registration is required to request a food package. No documentation or ID is required. You may wish to also explore these other food resources including the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Meals on Wheels or Catholic Charities.
621 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90007
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